Tuesday, December 18, 2007
"benci la .."
ha thats what i get for getting him up. benci your head la! i know its a bit late, my bad, i didnt notice its already near syuruk but still got 15 minits left what. 2 hours earlier i woke him up for isyak.i got scold juga for bugging his sleep.after a few attemps tu barula die bangun .next time bangun sendirila...handphone power2 tapi x leh kejut solat wat perrrrr....
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
cuti ke tak..?
today is sultan selangor punye besday...
siapa sultan selangor sikalang btw?eh sultan sharafuddin...
siapa yg meninggal meninggal bini muda yg di kalangan rakyat tu ye, aishah tu?
aisey lemah tul la kenegaraan aku ni...
no one senior was online today(yesterday) so dont know whether cuti or not.dulu ada zla who is always online.now shes on maternity leave and resign altogether.y did nt i call eh?emmm..bukan malas, dun wan ler nampak cam desperate housewife nak sgt cuti kan.lgpun, en bur cam marah kat aku je sbb bnyk songeh the other day, then en kamal pulak is on holiday.en shahir plak...hmmm...kang kalau aku tanya 1 soklan,dia tanya balik aku beribu2 soklan....hmmm,so senyap je le..nnti bila depa online, aku tanya le...so kalau mmg cuti,aku ganti le hari lain....kan kan kan?
so working la tonite.tgh sakit kepala ni,cam berat sbb tido lepas maghrib td kut.hu~~bakpe ntah penat,ngantuk sgt mlm td.i myself cannot answer, its the body request i must obey...unlike other ppl tu, dah cuti pun keje gak..hmm ntahle...mmg xde harapan le nak tgk die amek cuti saje2...utk aku mmg le takkan ada, utk najwa mungkin ada...hopefully.
okla chiow
siapa sultan selangor sikalang btw?eh sultan sharafuddin...
siapa yg meninggal meninggal bini muda yg di kalangan rakyat tu ye, aishah tu?
aisey lemah tul la kenegaraan aku ni...
no one senior was online today(yesterday) so dont know whether cuti or not.dulu ada zla who is always online.now shes on maternity leave and resign altogether.y did nt i call eh?emmm..bukan malas, dun wan ler nampak cam desperate housewife nak sgt cuti kan.lgpun, en bur cam marah kat aku je sbb bnyk songeh the other day, then en kamal pulak is on holiday.en shahir plak...hmmm...kang kalau aku tanya 1 soklan,dia tanya balik aku beribu2 soklan....hmmm,so senyap je le..nnti bila depa online, aku tanya le...so kalau mmg cuti,aku ganti le hari lain....kan kan kan?
so working la tonite.tgh sakit kepala ni,cam berat sbb tido lepas maghrib td kut.hu~~bakpe ntah penat,ngantuk sgt mlm td.i myself cannot answer, its the body request i must obey...unlike other ppl tu, dah cuti pun keje gak..hmm ntahle...mmg xde harapan le nak tgk die amek cuti saje2...utk aku mmg le takkan ada, utk najwa mungkin ada...hopefully.
okla chiow
Thursday, December 6, 2007
apelah nasibbb...
hmm....feels like splitting myself into two la..one continue workinh..the other start sleeping...wah bestnye kalau betul..heheh...head plak like spinning gasing...wonder y osim ke ogawa ke didnt create anything like head massager ek? kalau ade, sure laris punye la...heheh...
keje cam hectic ye..tapi puas hati sbb ble dok dgn najwa always..remember that ,so dont complaint.tapi gaji ciput...workload almost the same, in fact while working at home ni lagi efficient lagi productive la..cos takde teman utk bergossip...lagi2 kalau time keje tu pepagi bute...nak chatting pun x leh....semua org sedap tido...how ar to get an araise?heheeh....
keje cam hectic ye..tapi puas hati sbb ble dok dgn najwa always..remember that ,so dont complaint.tapi gaji ciput...workload almost the same, in fact while working at home ni lagi efficient lagi productive la..cos takde teman utk bergossip...lagi2 kalau time keje tu pepagi bute...nak chatting pun x leh....semua org sedap tido...how ar to get an araise?heheeh....
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
k emi 's wedding day
we went to ipoh... abit late sbb driver sesat..exit tol mana2 ntah dieorg ni...k emi look so babydoll like..cam ghupe mak die pun ade...heheh...may Allah bless u k emi.
the thing that bug me la kan...we became like not so close somehow.k emi was abit less talking and gurau senda-ing yknow like normal cousins usualy do,like me and kc la for instance.nak kata age gap pun..takde le jauh benor, dulu ok je.kut la aku ada tersalah kata dgn die...hmmm shud clear things out la kan...mana la tahu,women are sensitive even with other woman kan...hehehe...heres a pic ..
the thing that bug me la kan...we became like not so close somehow.k emi was abit less talking and gurau senda-ing yknow like normal cousins usualy do,like me and kc la for instance.nak kata age gap pun..takde le jauh benor, dulu ok je.kut la aku ada tersalah kata dgn die...hmmm shud clear things out la kan...mana la tahu,women are sensitive even with other woman kan...hehehe...heres a pic ..

spring : provider list
lets have a bit educational entry ..hahha...xde ide la nak cite mende...
steps in creating provider list
1.create model interface and implementation class. eg interface samplemodelListProvider.java and implementation samplemodelListProviderTest.java
2.create controller eg samplemodellistprovidercontroller.java
3.create criteriaSearchmodel eg samplemodelsearchcriteris.java
4.edit dispatch-servlet xml add in the controller,model and the searchcriteria models.
steps in creating provider list
1.create model interface and implementation class. eg interface samplemodelListProvider.java and implementation samplemodelListProviderTest.java
2.create controller eg samplemodellistprovidercontroller.java
3.create criteriaSearchmodel eg samplemodelsearchcriteris.java
4.edit dispatch-servlet xml add in the controller,model and the searchcriteria models.
lil updates on lil najwa ...
this is something i worte last 2 nites,but couldnt post it online as the internet was so slow...
just wanna express how proud i am with my lil najwa.she has been sleeping all by herself for the last 2(+2) nites,no standup dodoi dah.after fed tu, she just cakap2 skek,then she became sleepy..then she niarap and sleep while ngomel2 ape ntah....hope it will be her new habbit.here s a pic of najwa taken last nite.

2 nites before she stayed up w me who was working late nite ( ahahah...poyo je) and found herself a new toy ...check it out.
haha...that was her first typed text via laptop keybod wa cakap lu...an encrypted message for mummy ka najwa?
just wanna express how proud i am with my lil najwa.she has been sleeping all by herself for the last 2(+2) nites,no standup dodoi dah.after fed tu, she just cakap2 skek,then she became sleepy..then she niarap and sleep while ngomel2 ape ntah....hope it will be her new habbit.here s a pic of najwa taken last nite.

2 nites before she stayed up w me who was working late nite ( ahahah...poyo je) and found herself a new toy ...check it out.
haha...that was her first typed text via laptop keybod wa cakap lu...an encrypted message for mummy ka najwa?

Friday, November 30, 2007
learnt another trick in IXY
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